I’ll be guest blogging on Monday, September 28, at Star Crossed Romance, asking and hopefully answering the question . . . Is the Vampire sub-genre dead? Since I write vampires and RAPHAEL and JABRIL are in release and doing well, annnndddddd . . . RAJMUND comes out early next year, I think you can guess MY answer!
I’ll be giving away a signed copy of RAPHAEL or JABRIL, so come by, make a comment and put your name in the hat! Clicky
See you there.
CREEPY FACT FOR TODAY: The 7 most horrifying parasites on the planet. The good news is MOST of them don’t attack humans. The bad news . . . SOME of them attack humans!! Check it out here. And lest you think I have no filter at all when it comes to creepy, I followed some links from the 7 parasites and found some truly awful stuff. I may not sleep tonight. ::shudder::