And I can prove it!

I wrote a very sad scene today. When I do it well, the emotions carry over from fiction to reality and affect the way I feel. It’s almost as if I’m the one who’s suffered the loss, not my character. And it’s not just writing that affects me this way either. It’s reading, too. It’s why I really don’t like the book Gone With The Wind. Because to this day I have a very vivid memory of reading that book in high school and getting so completely depressed by it. Everything was so hopeless! Well, that and the fact that I never really liked Scarlett, and I thought Ashley was a simp, plus I never thought Clark Gable was good looking and even though he only played Rhett in the movie, I couldn’t get his face out of my head. But mostly it was the bleakness of it all.

But I can’t blame Margaret Mitchell for today. Today it was all on me. On the other hand, the scene just totally killed and Duncan is coolness personified. Uh huh.

But back to why I’m not a sociopath … not that anyone has accused me of it … lately. It’s because I have feelings! I feel for my characters, I have felt in real life the emotions I write into fiction. I have lost people I loved, I’ve had my heart broken (more than once) and I’ve been (and still am) in love.

Goodness! Where’d that come from? Okay, on to cheerier topics, I feel a contest coming on. I think I’ll announce it next week and it will be for my readers, because in order to win, you’ll have to have read the books and paid attention to detail! Mwaahhahahahahahaha. (cough, cough, hack, hack)

For now, though, I’m going back to my laptop and my ice cream drumstick (that’s my reward for being a good writer and buckling down to work!)

Have a wonderful week and be sure to come back next Monday for the new contest! There will be a prize, because what’s a contest without a prize? Just another effing pop quiz.


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