1 thought on “I’VE BEEN HACKED!”

  1. Dear Ms. Reynolds – –

    I’m a devoted reader of your “Vampires in America” series and have just finished “Sophia” and can’t wait to begin reading Duncan’s story in December. What a cliffhanger, by the way at the end of Sophia.” Anyway, I’ve just discovered your Vampire Vignettes and was wondering if you’d be kind enough to send the link to me for Vignettes 1-3, those are the ones I’ve missed and would really like to read them. In the meantime, I’ll have to possess my soul in peace with #4 and look forward to reading about Duncan and wondering what kind of trouble he’ll get into, and hopefully out of.

    From what I’ve read, so far, you appear to have a very fertile imagination and I truly hope you have many, many more stories rattling around in that imagination of yours about our delicious Raphael and his Cyn. This world would be a much less interesting and oh-so bland place without them !

    Thank you for your time . . . your work and taking the rest of us on your journey. It’s quite a blood-curdling, adrenaline-pumping ride ! And I’m enjoying every minute of it !


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