There’s a new interview with me this week at Over The Edge And I’m running a book giveaway over there, as well. Comment and leave an e-mail address, and you’ll be entered in the giveaway. Your choice of an autographed copy of either RAPHAEL or JABRIL, or if you prefer a PDF of same. I’ll also give the winner the option of choosing a future copy of RAJMUND–because I KNOW all of you have already read the first two books! Although I’ll warn you that I don’t get my author copies any earlier than the first shipments from the publisher!

I’ll be guest blogging over there on Friday, as well, but I’ll post a reminder here about that later this week.


And now, since I live in California where it was over 80 degrees on Thanksgiving Day this year (!!!), I submit to you this picture of things we really don’t need to see at the beach. (The lady in the middle is what happens when a body grows old around breast implants.)


  1. Jabril kept me up all night!!! I had to force myself to not finish it so I wouldn’t run out of book too quickly on vacation. Will be finishing it tonight 🙂

  2. I’ve just finished reading Jabril recently. Just like the first book I was hooked and read the whole book in one go. I love strong female characters with a soft side. I’m really looking forward to read Rajmund next year.

  3. Hey, DB! I just finished Raphael yesterday, and I loved it. The first thing I did when I was done was to go order Jabril. It should be here in a few days. I cant wait to read it.

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